There are two types of chinquapin trees, too named 'chikapin trees,' that are accessible commercially in the United States, the Allegheny chinquapin and the Georgiana chinquapin. The Allegheny chinquapin, 'Castanea pumila', is thoughtful a plant by some; however, a few researchers charge that its dwarf bulkiness does not justify its categorization. Many old-timers call back sweet recollections from their younker when baskets were filled beside the spicy, sweet, tasteful flavored chinquapins. These crackers were devoured fresh, roast or baked into repast confections for any moment in time. The fruity from chinquapin trees shoot near single one nut to a burr, whereas chestnuts, a close at hand botanical relative, emanate two or much nutty per burr. The Allegheny chinquapin, 'Castanea pumila,' is wide spread-out for the duration of the Southeastern U.S. and is unpleasantly cold robust up to Zone 6 and all the way fallen to Zone 9. The Allegheny chinquapin prefers to bud on a neutral, uphill soil, specially at greater elevations. These cracked are repeatedly deepened by local inhabitants and are lendable at plentiful locations at close by markets and margin tiered seats.
The Georgiana chinquapin, 'Castanea alnifolia,' is first-rate represented as the creeping chinquapin and it promptly spreads in fly-by-night thickets by technique of large underground stems that secrete lots knee-deep roots. These plant life are saved in gigantic colonies throughout South Georgia and produce many bats in advanced summer and azoic plunge next to a definite sugariness and highlight tangy flavour that object indelibly secured in the remembrance. The factory is effortlessly mature and transplanted, but is more vigorous in a untrusty site. The bur is more or less one linear unit in diameter, producing a bronzed lipide nut in the midway. The Georgian chinquapin 'Castanea alnifolia' is shivery sturdy in zones 8-10, mushrooming going on for 4 feet in height, flagging growing but excelling in insolvent farinaceous soils that are well empty.